Dear Amelia Atwater-Rhodes,
I am currently reading the book that you have written called "Shattered Mirror". I really did not want to read this book but when our english class got an assingment on reading a book I didn't know what to read.My friend had recomended me to read this book. At first I was like "why read this book? I don't like to read about Vampires". As I started to read the book, it got more interesting to read. It took me a while to really read this book' but one day when we had to read in class i started to read alittle of the book. As i read the book i really liked how it started i did not get confused and thats what i like when i read a book. To me the book seems like a romance book and it's really like a forbettin love. Well more as the vampire has a cush and the whitch doesn't want anything to happen because he might and could get hurt. I like this book because when i read it i really understood all and most of the words. Most books taht i read have words that i don't understand and thats why i stop reading it. What i also liked about the book is that you knew who was the charcters and i was not confused on who was talking or doing anything else in the book. When I was reading this book i was able to picture and imagine of what was going on in the book. I wanted to ask what got you interested on writting books like the "Shattered Mirror"? When did you start writting books, and what was you're first book that you ever written? What was really going through you're mind when you were writting this book? also what made you write about some whitch/vampire hunter name Sarah and about her tryin to kill a vampire name Nikolas? What encouraged you to write this book or any other book that u have written? What i really liked about the book was that when i began to read it, it started with Sarah in a hous ewith vampires and she was going to fight. I liked that in the begining she had already killed some vampire, because that made me really interested in the book. What i really like about books is when the book is about adventures or mysteries. And in the book "Shattered Mirror" it does have a little bit of a mystery to solve. I would really like to read some more books about mysteries and even of vampires. By reading this book i got really interested in books about vampires. I really havent read the first book, but from friends i have heard that it is a good book. After reading "Shattered Mirror" i am goin to read the first book. I really hope it is as good as Shattered Mirror. I had heard that the first book is about Dominique and i think also about Sarah's sister Adianna. I would really enjoy reading more books like this one. You have written a really good book and i know the other ones that you have written are as good.