What i think the theme may have been was even though you don't get what you want or need you can still try and live a great life. It also can be that even siblings don't really get along with eachother. I think i can relate more to Jackie because she was just more like the way i am, with all her argueing and going on someones back to do what she thinks is the best. I actualy think that Jackie was the most right on the situation. Even though the stamps were Mary's granfathers stamps, Jackies mother had given them to her so it really ment it was hers also. Also Jackie had a good reason to use the stamps and it really would have helped both the sisters with bills and they would have less problems. Jackie also needed it for a good cause and Mary just wanted it. That relates to me and my brothers or sisters because we also do disagree and many things and i usualy do something to prove them wrong and me right. We also get in argue fights and it is because of something that is mine and they want it, or even sometimes somthing that is mine and they want it. So i can really say that Jackie and Mary and me and my siblings may have plent in commen,