Thursday, April 2, 2009

Connection to the Alchemist

I think i have some connection to Santiago by the fact that he is travleing. He is going to look for the treasure and when there is something that i want to look for i go for it and that is what Santiago is doing. I think i may be diffrent from Santiago because i would have gone for what i was looking for a long time before Santiago decided to go. I agree whit Santiago's choices because i would have done the same. Ant the fact that they told him if its true love then he would be able to go on with his journey without being hold back. Santiago decided to go on with his journey knowing that Fatima will be waiting for him. Also that Santiago will come back for Fatima' just like her father came back to her mother. I think i would have been able to have choosin the same choices as Santiago to pursue my dream because Santiago is doing the right thing. He is also taking chances and risks to persue it. Carring about someone might and may affect you by persueing ur dreams. It can affect them because when you =care about someone or they care about you very much they wont want you to leave and they would want you to be with them instead. And that wont help because you will probably stay with them and not even persue what you wanted to. So when you care about someone or even something it can affect you very much.

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